Google recently announced that these ' Core Belgium Phone Number List Web Vitals ' will be an important ranking factor from May 2021. At Frankwatching we previously discussed Google Page Experience in detail . You have to choose between two products. All circumstances are equal, only one product has ten positive reviews and the other product only five. Which Belgium Phone Number List one do you choose? Most likely you will choose the product with the most positive reviews. But what if this product also has two negative reviews. Which one do you choose?
We researched the power of authority on Belgium Phone Number List organic positions in Google, how big is the influence of an extensive link profile? reviews vs. link profile One of the (or perhaps the) most important Google ranking factors for determining your organic position is the link profile. The link profile consists of internal and external links on/to Belgium Phone Number List your website. These 'external links' are located on other websites and differ in quality and relevance. In a very simplified view you could compare these links with the reviews for the Belgium Phone Number List products. The more qualitative links or 'positive reviews', the stronger your link profile.
Just like products without reviews can be Belgium Phone Number List bought just as well, websites without links can achieve an organic position in Google. It is one of the factors that contributes to this, but an important one. How important? We hope to shed some light on this in this study. The influence of an extensive link profile How big is the influence Belgium Phone Number List of an extensive link profile? And which carries more weight: a link to your domain or a link to a specific page? We researched the power of authority on organic positions in Google. In Belgium Phone Number List this article we share the findings with you.