Once you have completed the app development, you need to publish the app in the iTunes store so that the end user can download and install industry list your app. Here's how to publish your app on apple app store in 2020 . Publishing Guidelines: You should have a paid Apple developer account to publish your app. You can find more details about account types and how to industry list purchase a developer account from Apple has strict publishing guidelines.
Make sure your app is running Apple guidelines. You can find more details atYour app should have an app icon that shows your app on a user’s phone. All industry list App Icons should adhere to the following specifications Attribute value done Layers Flattened with no transparency Resolution It varies according to the model of the Phone. See Image Size and Resolution Shape Square with industry list no rounded corners You need at least 3 top screenshots of your app to display your app in the app store.
You need a description of the app, where you can explain your application details. You also need application keywords, these industry list keywords will be used to search your app in the app store. Creating App IDs (Id Bundle): If you establish all the points mentioned, as in the industry list first step then 15% of the publishing procedure is done with us. On the left hand side, there will be some options like: Certificate, Identifiers etc. Click Identifiers and Click + Button.