The amount of product advertising in NBA 2K has always been substantial, and 2K22 has such a large amount of product placement that it's funny sometimes NBA MT Coins. Oddly enough, though, this makes it seem more and akin to the present day league. Professional sports are brimming with pre-game shows that are sponsored by a single company.
Half-time show shows sponsored by a different company, and post-game broadcasts that are sponsored by a totally different entity. It feels weirdly on-brand to have an NBA video game sporting similar treatment, but it's still better without.
The vast majority of on-court improvements as well as off-court activities included within NBA 2K22 make for great fun and replayability, especially the new quests for seasonal play, which give players ample incentive to engage in different modes, including head-to-head games.
One drawback is the sheer size of the two hubs. The two hubs, The City on current-gen and The Neighborhood (a enormous cruise ship) on previous-gen are packed with events. Yet, the activities are also stretched over an inordinately large space.
Although you can use skateboards and bikes players can spend nearly half as long navigating The City as they do playing basketball. While both hubs are attractive Cheap 2K22 MT, it still feels like an unnecessary waste of time.