In reality, creating a step-by-step SEO plan is far from simple and requires time and the pooling of many resources in order to be successful in the long run.And while this is true for a website that has been around for a while, this difficulty is multiplied for new websites. With millions of new websites every year, it can be difficult to claim your place in Google, and initially you have to deal with the highly controversial Google sandbox.So where to start ?First, it's important to point out that this is a basic 12-month plan,
SEO can be endlessly complex, and you'll want to develop a bespoke plan for each website you work on. . But the points in this article will generally give you a great starting point.While I'm not the biggest fan of micro-planning, with such a gigantic undertaking, C级执行名单 I think the only way for a new website to be successful is to have a basic 12-month plan in place. You need to allow for flexibility because during this time goals will change, your available resources will change, your available skills might change, plus a hundred other things that might change, so it's important to stay fluid while keeping rhythm. Don't lose motivation just because you didn't achieve everything you planned.So, while this plan is certainly different for every website launched, here's a basic 12-month plan to start with:Pre launchBefore you even think about starting SEO for a new website and consider the standard marketing factors, when getting your site designed, there are a few things to keep in mind at this stage that will save you from huge headaches months later.When developing the site, you should focus on speed from the start. As the complexities of your website add up, they can negatively impact speed, so keep speed on the agenda throughout the website development cycle.Other important factors that you should not ignore at this stage include:
Ensuring that your site will be responsive or at least mobile friendly is a must.Leverage AMP where appropriate . If you publish news or articles and want to take advantage of AMP placements in search results, now is the time to expand this feature so that you can easily serve AMP versions of your content in the future.Image Compression . Not everyone who populates your site with content will understand image compression and why it matters. Developing a system that automatically optimizes images or makes it very easy for users to do so is key to ensuring that your website does not become bloated as content is published in the future. Search engines take the weight of images into account when ranking. You must plan your content according to the Google search engine.Schema markup . The emphasis on schema markup has increased in recent years, and websites can take advantage of schema markup to display more details about their activities on the search results page. This can lead to increased click-through rates as well as many indirect benefits for a new website marketing plan.Before you even launch your website, you'll need to do at least some basic competitor research, which in SEO terms will ultimately come down to keyword research and ensuring that any content you you plan will match the searcher's intent.The keyword research you do now should help identify how people are searching for the essential products or services you offer as a business. W