Advertising Written by Rodrigo Ayala This smart company email list bag is one of the most dynamic ways to stay fit from home. Fitness gadgets have diversified and become popular since the pandemic began. One of the most sensitive points for those who love to exercise is the impossibility of going to a gym due to coronavirus restrictions. Because they are places of public saturation, gyms are currently high-risk sites, since they become red dots where covid-19 infections are latent. However, technological advances and virtual applications allow you to exercise from company email list anywhere in the home. In recent days, a device for practicing boxing that works intelligently was presented.
It's called Liteboxer and it's one of several company email list on the market to train without leaving home. Precisely Todd Drages was the creator of this smart boxing bag when he realized how difficult it was to be able to box in the absence of gyms. It is a kind of punching bag equipped with lights that indicate the routines and the type of company email list that the user has to use to complete a routine. Everything is supervised through an app by trained trainers. However, Liteboxer is not the only gadget of its kind. The market also offers FightCamp , a proposal that was originally designed to be used only by professional boxers but was later launched as a product for the general public. How to keep in touch with co-workers while working remotely RELATED: Reports indicate that Apple company email list several gadgets ready for launch during 2020 Through special videos, athletes are guided through different routines by various instructors to use this smart punching bag.
The sensors placed in the gloves mark the company email list and frequency of the blows given by the users that are registered in an app to offer the results to the users. Contrary to Liteboxer, FightCamp requires a large space to use, since it is not only made up of a bag to hit but also a mat where the athlete moves to follow a routine. BotBoxer is another option for those looking to make boxing their main exercise without leaving home. It's basically the same principle: a smart punching bag that tracks the shots the athlete delivers. Various routines of different levels of company email list can also be followed. an age of invention However, there are not only gadgets that focus on activities such as boxing.